Survey maps the management trends for 2021

The 2020’s challenges can become a ground of opportunity; In this scenario, 58% of the business leaders interviewed think to expand operations.


In 2020, business management faced many challenges, which - on the one hand - showed some vulnerabilities, but also revealed, - on the other hand - a great field of opportunities for those best prepared, or even for those who had a timely response to the transformations created by the pandemic.

In this scenario we were able to observe some segments and even specific companies with more difficulty to operate, and others with more ability to adapt their strategies and get faster execution. To identify the real scenario and the prospects for 2021, Markenz Consulting heard - between August 25 and October 27 - 74 leaders from small, medium, and large companies in the south, southeast, and north regions. And, as with all opportunities mapping, the survey identifies some trends.


The managers' perspectives for 2021 revolve around the following themes: 30% believe in the increase of online sales in their sector; 45% intend to expand or develop e-commerce; 64% consider seeking or renegotiating contracts with suppliers; 42% do not intend to dismiss people; 20% intend to cut down on home office time; 75% plan to increase investment in training and 58% plan to hire.

Despite sale or merger are valid options for 12% of respondents, 50% discarded it as an alternative; but there are still other strategies at stake, such as getting loans (likely to 15%), searching for new partners (21%), incoming investors (22%) and even acquisitions, which represents an alternative for 26%. "The scenario is favourable, for example, for mergers and acquisitions, since - despite the volatility of the moment - some companies are seeing opportunities for business expansion, and mainly foreign companies see Brazil as an excellent investment opportunity at this time", explains Letícia Marodin, director of Markenz and research leader.

In this scenario, 89% of companies must develop new business partnerships. In addition, 74% intend to take a headlong dive into the digital world, increasing their presence in it. 71% should create new products and services, and 58% should expand operations.

Identified obstacles.     

Respondents stated that there are many obstacles for growth resumption. Among them, according to 36% of respondents, the difficulty to find reliable data and the uncertainty to invest. “The reduced staff (to 34%), the exchange rate uncertainty (to 30%), the low ability of employees (to 25%) and the tax burden (to 23%) have also been an impediment,” says Letícia. However, all of this can be overcome with the search for new business partnerships, as the survey also shows, among other strategies.

Other trends

Business travel will remain very low, according to 74% of respondents. For 70%, B2B sales will be reinvented and business management transparency will be a standard practice. Sustainability is in the plans of 64%, who believe that production will have more environmentally friendly products

Meanwhile, the purchase demand for national products will increase, according to 42% of managers, since the global supply chain will be reduced. For 28%, most of the workforce will continue to work remotely and there will also be a reduction in the prices of supply chains to meet lower purchasing power.


“The best results on the pandemic were achieved by companies that were better prepared or that acted faster internally in terms of management, with well-defined processes, digital structure and a business intelligence area as support for effective strategy adaptation and fast execution”, says Letícia. “The way in which each one prepares for the difficulties is decisive for success when a new wave of challenges appears. After all, defining strategy involves making choices, and what are our choices for 2021?”, She adds, with a subtle provocation, since thinking about better strategies should be always a habit.

For the details of this study, contact Markenz Consulting by e-mail: [email protected] [email protected].br

Categories: Survey