
Markets and Strategy

We identify trends and change them into market opportunities, using the most appropriate internal capabilities of your company. Whenever needed, we introduce innovation and help break down internal barriers to its implementation.

Marketing Management

We provide accurate and timely marketing solutions at the right time to address market challenges and opportunities.

Sales Channel Strategy

We identify the ideal channel to reach your business´s target segments and to help you speed up growth through the following services:


We advise your company in the development of the marketing strategy and action plan in order to achieve superior sales and brand image results in the Brazilian market.

Customer Management

We develop special projects to acquire new customers, mainly focused on the B2B segment, as well as to increase the profitability per customer.

Marketing Metrics

When planning a marketing action, it is also essential to define the metrics to evaluate the results. The evaluation is essential to direct investments and efforts to actions that can generate the expected return. Count on us to define your company’s marketing metrics and increase the efficiency of your projects.


Está tudo parado?

O feedback de muitos empresários brasileiros, principalmente pequenos e médios, é que o mercado está parado. Será que tudo está parado mesmo? Quais são os dados que você usa como base para a tomada de decisão empresarial? Será que não há fatores limitantes internos que estão impedindo sua empresa de prosperar?

Business Perspectives 2022/2023

Momento positivo para crescimento da indústria brasileira Custos e carga tributária desafiam empresários que se apoiam em inovação  e abertura de mercados para crescer. Pesquisa com empresários e executivos brasileiros, realizada pela Markenz, aponta perspectivas de Read more...

Survey maps the management trends for 2021

In 2020, business management faced many challenges, which - on the one hand - showed some vulnerabilities, but also revealed, - on the other hand - a great field of opportunities for those best prepared, or even for those who had a timely response to the transformations created by the pandemic. Read more...

Defining strategy involves making choices.

Conte conosco para fazer escolhas inovadoras e prósperas para sua empresa.