Positive moment for Brazilian industry growth

Costs and tax burden challenge entrepreneurs who count on innovation  and opening of markets to grow.

A survey with Brazilian entrepreneurs and executives, carried out by Markenz, points out business perspectives for the short term in Brazil. 87% of the respondents represent family-owned, national or multinational closed capital companies, and 15% had revenues of over R$800 million in the last year. The good news is that 40% of these companies increased their revenues by up to 50% in 2022 compared to 2021, even though 49% of them are still operating at up to 25% of their production capacity.

The main challenge in relation to external factors identified by the study is the cost increase (62%), followed by the tax burden (60%). In addition, political instability is a concern for 40% of the entrepreneurs and executives. The search for new suppliers, price renegotiation, development of new technologies, increase in scale, and access to the international market are the main alternatives considered to overcome the cost increase.

The development of new products and the search for alternative energy sources are on top management's agenda, as well as investments in technology. 43% of the companies intend to maintain the current investments in technology this year (2022) and next year (2023).

Among the perspectives, 54% consider the increase in competition due to the increase of new entrants in existing segments and 40% more sustainable products. For 33% transparent management will be standard. Regarding the growth strategy, 16% of the companies are willing to evaluate mergers and acquisitions and 12% IPO. 

"There is a great opportunity for companies with a clear market strategy and efficient cost and productivity management. The moment is excellent for business in Brazil," comments Letícia Marodin, a consultant from Markenz.

Para chegar a essas conclusões, a Markenz conversou com 87 profissionais em posição de alta gestão ou como investidores em empresas dos setores de serviços, indústria, varejo, tecnologia, construção e agronegócio localizadas no Brasil, com exceção aos estados da região Nordeste, através de pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa.